Hotel Andenrose (Chile)

Hosteria Andenrose
Carretera Internacional km 68,5
Curacautin, 9. Region
Casilla 40, CHILE, Südamerika

Andenrose auf Google Maps

Telefon in Chile:
09 98691700
Internationales Telefon:
0056 9 98691700
Fax & Voice: 004932121256531

Monika Araneda


Kayak and Rafting


The Cautín River is excellent for Kayaking and Rafting.

This river, pristine at this stage of its journey to the sea, has its headwaters by the Lonquimay Volcano.
Ranging in degrees of difficulty from grade 5 to a quick, smooth flow, it offers something for every Kayaker.

From Malalcahuello to „Piedra Cortada“, the Cautín has a quick flow.  Its most difficult span, which includes spots rated 5, extends from Piedra Santa to the Salto de la Princesa waterfall.
From Salto de la Princesa to the Manchuria Bridge, the river can be generally rated 3, with one section in the fourth-degree range, at the Salto del Indio waterfall.
From the Manchuria Bridge on down, you will find several spots of third-degree difficulty, and then a more peaceful flow between the Cautín Bridge and Rari Ruca.

Mountain bike

 With its countless gravel roads, the Cautín Valley invites exploration by mountain bike.

Aside from national parks, there are many other enchanting destinations,

such as Salto del Indio, Salto de la Princesa and Salto Negro waterfalls;

Río Blanco Valley, or incomparable Laguna Blanca are surely one-of-a-kind experiences.