Hotel Andenrose (Chile)

Hosteria Andenrose
Carretera Internacional km 68,5
Curacautin, 9. Region
Casilla 40, CHILE, Südamerika

Andenrose auf Google Maps

Telefon in Chile:
09 98691700
Internationales Telefon:
0056 9 98691700
Fax & Voice: 004932121256531

Monika Araneda



We are pleased that you have found our web page.
Here we want to introduce beautiful northern Patagonia to you.
In particular, we want to acquaint you with the Cautín Valley, which runs east from Curacautín to Malalcahuello and surroundings, all in the heart of Chile’s Ninth Region of Araucanía. 

 The Araucanía Region is home to unique landscapes and forests, and also to the „Araucaria“, a tree that grows nowhere else in the world.

 Nature lovers get everything they yearn for when they visit Araucanía.  In the national parks they find wonderful hiking trails, and also lakes and rivers to bathe in and linger a while.

 We wish you lots of fun on our web site.
If you have any proposals or suggestions, please get in touch with us.

We will be happy to publish your written contributions and photographs in our website.

 For more detailed information, please contact