Hotel Andenrose (Chile)

Hosteria Andenrose
Carretera Internacional km 68,5
Curacautin, 9. Region
Casilla 40, CHILE, Südamerika

Andenrose auf Google Maps

Telefon in Chile:
09 98691700
Internationales Telefon:
0056 9 98691700
Fax & Voice: 004932121256531

Monika Araneda


 Hiking & Mountain Climbing


Hiking through our region´s national parks, where you can enjoy breath-taking beauty on many trails, is an unforgettable experience.

The area has everything mountain climbers could wish for.
The Lonquimay and Llaima volcanoes are beautiful destinations, and so are several other summits and no less the wonderful crossing of the Sierra Nevada Range.